Cancelled Shows

Posted by Norm on April 22nd, 2007 filed in General

I have been watching a show called Jake 2.0 recently. It is about a NSA tech support who gets accidentally infected with nanobots/nanites. These nanobots give Jake superhuman strength, sight, hearing etc as well as the ability to interface directly with computers. It is a really good show. The characters are excellent and the storylines involving. It was cancelled after one series!

There are many other quality shows that were cancelled prematurely, Firefly and Enterprise for example.

I hate the fact that broadcasting and production agencies never give a show a chance. One bad week in the ratings and *chop* goes the axe. I would rather see quality television with poor ratings than Big Brother anyday!

5 Responses to “Cancelled Shows”

  1. Lizzie Says:

    OMFGosh .. Firefly, probably the best show on earth :D :D :D

  2. Norm Says:

    Are you secretly a geek?

  3. Lizzie Says:

    Yes, but its a secret .. so Shush:P

  4. Chris Worfolik Says:

    Firefly was excellent as was Enterprise. I would be reluctant to lump Jake 2.0 in with that crowd though. I watched it when it first hit Sky One and thought it was alright but nothing amazing.

  5. Norm Says:

    I agree that Jake 2.0 is never going to compare to shows like Firefly, but still, it is infinitely better than a lot of the stuff to hit our screens over the past decade.

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