Sometimes you can’t make it on your own…
Posted by Norm on August 13th, 2007 filed in Friends, General, ReligionWhy is it that sometimes we are the architects of our own downfall? Why is it that even when things are amazing and perfect we sabotage it? Why is it that we are never happy unless the world is collapsing around our ears?
I wish I knew the answer to those questions. I think it would make some things a lot clearer to me. Sometimes I wonder if there are answers out there, or whether there are things we will never know? I am a believer in knowledge. I bel;ieve that if we know enough about our universe and our history we have power over it, not in the metaphysical way, but in our own lives. If we can predict our actions, our responses to stimuli, based on past experience and a knowledge of our surroundings then we can control it. It is why I am a rationalist, I think that everything cann be explained away. That ever question has an answer and that answer is fully understandable and comprehendable by man. There is no need for someone to pull my strings.
However, if there are no answers then what is there? I say that every question has an answer, but does every answer have a question? Is that even relavent?
I guess these late night rants….
**We interrupt this programme to bring you the latest movements (literally) on my corridor**
Kara has just appeared at my door (note to self - shut door) to discuss random crap, giggled and then went to the toilet - which happens to be 2 feet from where I am sitting. She is remarkably quiet. Chris isn’t!
**End transmission**
…where was I? oh yeah, late night rants.
I’ve actually forgotten what I was going to say, so I think we will leave that there.
August 14th, 2007 at 12:32 am
Huh?! What!?!
Im well confused What exactly is falling down around you
Remember: Lizzie loves you