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Back in Leeds

April 13th, 2007

Having spent the best part of the last week at home in Kirkham catching up with some old friends and seeing my mum and other family I was actually rather glad to arrive back in Leeds yesterday.

I know this is going to sound a little cliched, but I really do feel like Leeds has become my home now and as the saying goes - there is no place like home.

I arrived back mid-afternoon and popped up to Bodington to see Chris and B. We ended up sitting out and having a small barbeque. After a couple of ciders and some quality sausage I headed home to sort my stuff out and get ready for the new term. Randomly headed back to B’s later in the evening for a drink and a chat. Despite B’s drunkeness we actually had a really good chat. I left when B passed out on Phil’s bed.

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