What I have been up to this week 2011-10-30
- Thai food was not my greatest idea #
- NINJA LEGO!!!!!! #
- At the cinema to see Johnny English:Reborn. Loved the 1st one, so big hopes for the sequel. With @chrisworfolk and @elanlei making babies #
- Just paid 10 pounds for cinema tickets #
- Any one fancy entertaining me whilst I'm I'll? #
- Off out for steak/ribs for @chrisworfolk birthday. #
- W00t back in Leeds. Hot chocolate then bed I think. #
- Apparently we're getting busses and it's going to take 90mins #
- All the fucking trains to Leeds are delayed cos somebody did something stupid. #
- Good night in Sheffield. Their president is lovely and knows @shiningpalace apparently. #smallworld #
- At Sheffield Atheist Society to give talk on Humanism. #
- At Leeds train station waiting on the train to Sheffield. Apparently its a fair old walk from station to uni. #
- This job would be so much easier if I wasn't restricted to a windows laptop #
- Gah, the insomnia is back. Been wanting to sleep since about 9.30. #
- Spent the last hour catching up on blizzcon. WoW stuff is underwhelming to say the least I need a new game to play… /quit wow. #
- Just about beat my hangover thou now less than 7 hours til I'm up again for work. #
- Food based nightmares due to our @xilo Internet being flaky #